Solution: Write a Newspaper Report on the Simon Commission

Write a Newspaper Report on the Simon Commission: The Simon Commission brought out the systemic abuses of the British colonial administration and inspired the Indian people to demand their freedom, making it a crucial turning point in the nation’s struggle for independence. It was a commission that had made the intentions of the Tory government in London to curb the existing rights clear.

Newspaper Report on the Simon Commission

The commission, consisting of seven members of the British Parliament, was constituted to revisit the working of the Diarchy system established by the Government of India Act 1919, also known as Montagu–Chelmsford Reforms. The reasons why the Indian Independence leaders boycotted the Simon Commission included its haphazard formation and the fact that it had no Indian members.

Simon Commission is an important event in the history of the Indian independence movement. Due to this reason, NCERT asks students to write a Newspaper Report on the Simon Commission. Hence, in this article, we provide you with three Newspaper Reports on the Simon Commission to help you write a Newspaper Report on the Simon Commission on your own.

Write a Newspaper Report on the Simon Commission

A Newspaper Report on the Simon Commission is as follows #1

On 3rd February, the commission of seven British MPs led by Sir John Simon dubbed the Simon Commission, arrived in Bombay and was immediately met with protests. The commission, tasked with examining and making recommendations for revisions to the System of Governance in India, was boycotted by the Indian National Congress and the Muslim League, along with hartals being conducted against it. Protests were widespread against the Commission and rife with the slogan “Simon Go Back”. The Commission despite being given the mandate of deciding the future of India does not have a single Indian member.

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A Newspaper Report on the Simon Commission is as follows #2

The Simon Commission, a group of seven British Members of Parliament, led by Sir John Simon, arrived in Bombay on February 3, 1928, and encountered opposition right away. The Indian National Congress and the Muslim League boycotted the commission and staged hartals in opposition to it. The Commission was tasked with reviewing the Indian system of government and providing recommendations for changes and was constituted two years ahead of the time stipulated in the Government of India Act, of 1919. Despite having been charged with making decisions about India’s future, the Commission is entirely composed of foreigners. The slogan “Simon Go Back” was used frequently in protests against the Commission.

Newspaper Report on the Simon Commission

A Newspaper Report on the Simon Commission is as follows #3

On 3rd February 1928, when the Simon Commission arrived in Bombay, the streets were swarmed by protesters who had gathered to express their displeasure against the statutory Commission which was tasked to review and make recommendations regarding the working of India’s Constitution. The commission was constituted by the Conservative Government in London well ahead of its time. The commission, which was set to decide India’s fate as a dominion, consisted of no Indian member. Mahatma Gandhi asked the people to boycott the commission. As a result, black flags were hurled and heavy sloganeering of “Simon Go Back” was done. At many sites, protestors had to face lathi charges and even shootings.

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