20 Middle Term Splitting Questions with Solutions

Middle Term Splitting Questions: Middle Term Splitting Questions are one of the most common but also important types of questions in Maths. Middle Term Splitting Questions are asked at various stages of a person’s educational journey.

Middle Term Splitting Questions are required from class 7th to CAT Exams. Thus, in this article, we provide you with 25 Middle Term Splitting Questions with solutions. The level of difficulty of the questions will increase gradually. These Middle Term Splitting questions are unique and prepared by our team.

20 Middle Term Splitting Questions

Ques 1)  Factorise 4x2 – 12x + 9 
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To factorize this expression, we need to find two numbers α and β such that α + β = –12 and αβ = 36

4x2 – 6x – 6x + 9

2x(x – 3) – 3(x – 3)

(2x – 3)(x – 3)

Ques 2)  Factorise 10y2 – 28y + 14
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To factorize this expression, we need to find two numbers α and β such that α + β = –28 and αβ = 140

10y2 – 14y – 10y + 14

2y(5y – 7) – 2(5y – 7)

(2y – 2)(5y – 7)

2(y – 1)(5y – 7)

Ques 3)  Factorise x2 – 10x + 25
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To factorize this expression, we need to find two numbers α and β such that α + β = –10 and αβ = 25

x2 – 5x – 5x + 25

x(x – 5) – 5(x – 5)

(x – 5)(x – 5)

(x – 5)2

Ques 4)  Factorise y2 + 8y + 16

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To factorise the above equation, we need to find two numbers α and β such that α + β = 8 and αβ = 16 

y2 + 4y + 2y + 16

y(y + 4) + 2(y + 4)

(y + 2)(y + 4)

Ques 5)  Factorise z2  – 4z –12

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To factorize this expression, we need to find two numbers α and β such that α + β = -4 and αβ = -12

z2 – 6z + 2z – 12

z(z – 6) + 2(z – 6)

(z + 2)(z – 6)

Ques 6)  Factorise 25x2 + 34x + 9

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To factorize this expression, we need to find two numbers α and β such that α + β = 34 and αβ = 225

25x2 + 9x + 25x + 9

x(25x + 9) + 1(25x + 9)

(25x + 9)(x + 1)

Ques 7)  Factorise x4 + 2x2y2 + y4

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To factorize this expression, we need to find two numbers α and β such that α + β = 2 and αβ = 1

x4 + x2y2 + x2y2 + y4

x2(x2 + y2) + y2(x2 + y2)

(x2 + y2)(x2 + y2)

(x2 + y2)2

Ques 8)  Factorise 49a2 + 84ab + 36b2

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To factorize this expression, we need to find two numbers α and β such that α + β = 84 and αβ = 1764

49a2 + 42ab + 42ab + 36b2

7a(7a + 6b) + 6b(7a + 6b)

(7a + 6b)(7a + 6b)

(7a + 6b)2

Ques 9)  Factorise (a + b)2 – 4ab

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a2 + b2 + 2ab – 4ab

a2  + b2 – 2ab

a2 – ab + b2 – ab

a(a –b) – b(a – b)

(a – b)(a – b)

(a – b)2

Ques 10)  Factorise 121x2 – 88xy + 16y2

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To factorize the expression 121x2 – 88xy + 16y2, we can look for two numbers α and β such that α + β = -88 and αβ = 16 * 121.

The numbers that satisfy these conditions are -44 and -44 (-44 + -44 = -88 and -44 * -44 = 16 * 121 = 1936).

121x2 – 44xy – 44xy + 16y2

(121x2 – 44xy) – (44xy – 16y2)

11x(11x – 4y) – 4y(11x – 4y)

(11x – 4y)(11x – 4y)

(11x – 4y)2

Ques 11)  Factorise 1 – 6x + 9x2

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To factorize this expression, we need to find two numbers α and β such that α + β = -6 and αβ = 9

1 – 3x – 3x + 9x2

(1 – 3x) – 3x(1 – 3x)

(1 – 3x)(1 – 3x)

(1 – 3x)2

Ques 12)  Factorise 0.4 x2 + 0.9x + 0.5

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To factorize this expression, we need to find two numbers α and β such that α + β = 0.9 and αβ = 0.2

0.4x2 + 0.4x + 0.5x + 0.5

0.4 x(x+1) + 0.5 (x+1)

(0.4x + 0.5)(x+1)

Ques 13)  Factorise 100x2 – 80xy + 16y2

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We need to find two numbers α and β such that α + β = -80 and αβ = 16 * 100.

To factorize the expression, we split the middle term -80xy into two terms: -64xy and -16xy.

100x2 – 64xy – 16xy + 16y2

(100x2 – 64xy) + (-16xy + 16y2)

4x(25x – 16y) – 16y(25x – 16y)

(25x – 16y)(4x – 16y)

Ques 14)  Factorise x2y2 + 5xyz – 14z2

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To factorize this expression, we need to find two numbers α and β such that α + β = 5 and αβ = -14.

We can factorize the expression as follows:

x2y2 – 2xyz + 7xyz – 14z2

(x2y2 – 2xyz) + (7xyz – 14z2)

xy(xy – 2z) + 7z(xy – 2z)

(xy – 2z)(xy + 7z)

Ques 15)  Factorise 3x2y2 – xy2z – 24y2z2 

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3(xy)2 – (xy)(yz) – 24(yz)2

To factorize this expression, we need to find two numbers α and β such that α + β = 1 and αβ = 72

3(xy)2 – 9(xy)(yz) + 8(xy)(yz) – 24(yz)2

3xy2(x – 3z) + 8y2z(x – 3z)

y2[3x(x – 3z) + 8z(x – 3z)]

y2(x – 3z)(3x + 8z)

y2(x – 3z)(3x + 8z)

Ques 16)  Factorise 11(a + b)2 + 21(a+b)(c + d) – 2(c + d)2

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To factorize this expression, we need to find two numbers α and β such that α + β = -6 and αβ = 9

11(a + b)2 + 22(a+b)(c + d) – (a+b)(c + d) – 2(c + d)2

11(a + b)[(a+b) + 2(c + d)] – (c + d)[(a + b) + 2(c + d)]

[(a + b) + 2(c + d)][11(a + b) – (c + d)]

(a + b + 2c + 2d)(11a + 11b – c – d)

Ques 17)  Factorise x2 + 4/x2 + 4

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Writing the above equation as:

x2 + (2/x)2 + 2 × x × (2/x)

Using the formula (a + b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2, we get

(x + 2/x)2

Ques 18)  Factorise √3a2 + 5a + 2√3 

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√3a2 + 3a + 2a + 2√3

√3a(a + √3) + 2(a + √3)

(√3a + 2)(a + √3)

Ques 19)  Factorise 4x2 + 1/16x2 + 1

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Rewriting the above equation as

(2x)2 + 1/(4x)2 + 2 × 2x × 1/4x

Using the formula (a + b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2, we get

(2x + 1/4x)2

Ques 20)  Factorise s2 + r2 + 2sr + 1/4(s + r)2 +1

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Rewriting the above equation as

(s2 + r2 + 2sr) + 1/4(s + r)2 + 2 × (s + r)2 × 1/2(s + r)2

(s + r)2 + 1/{2(s + r)2} + 2 × (s + r)2 × 1/2(s + r)2

Using the formula (a + b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2, we get

{(s + r) + 1/2(s + r)}2

We hope that you might have clearly understood the 20 Middle Term Splitting Questions

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