What is National Development Class 10th

What is National Development: National Development is a broad term which indicates the overall economic, social and political development of a country and its people. It is a frequently used term to describe where the people of a nation stand in the economic and social progress of all sections of that society, and, consequently, how much progress the nation has made in achieving equality, fraternity and justice – social economic and political.

The concept of National Development is a simple yet important concept which students must understand. This article describes and explains what is National Development.

What is National Development

What is National Development Class 10

Before touching upon the question of what is National Development, we must begin by describing what is a nation. A nation is different from a country. A good nation is one in which there is equality amongst the people, fraternity is practised and justice is delivered. A good nation is one in which no citizen is discriminated against on the basis of caste, creed, gender, religion or ethnicity. In a nation, all people basically act as a community.

National Development is the extent to which a country has economically uplifted the people (In terms of GDP per capita). It also indicates how better a country has performed on various parameters such as the elimination of poverty, malnutrition, corruption, and discrimination on the basis of caste, creed, gender, religion, ethnicity etc, while also measuring the major indicators used to measure economic, social and political development such as GDP per capita, Wealth gap, life expectancy, mortality rates, crime, health, freedom of speech and expression, public facilities, illiteracy, quality of education, school enrollment and so on. 

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National development basically indicates how much as a nation we have developed. A country that moves out of traditions towards modernity, while maintaining its own unique identity, while also attaining all forms of discrimination that are there in a traditional society, such a country has a good amount of national development. 

National Development is one of the top priorities of the government of a country. National Development pulls people out of poverty and allows them to compete on a global scale. Thus, National development is also necessary for a country to increase its standing in the world and amongst the community of nations. As a result, the government of a country launches many initiatives and schemes to improve the National Development of a country. In India, schemes such as PM Jan Dhan Yojana, National Health Mission, Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana, Swacch Bharat Mission, Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Scheme, Ujjwala Scheme, Skill India Mission and so on. These schemes have helped in the National Development of India.

The Question ‘What is National Development’ is frequently asked in CBSE board exams.

Points to remember about National Development

The following are some points that a student of 10th class must remember while attempting the question What is National Development 

  1. National development is a broad and comprehensive term that is used to describe how much a country has progressed as a nation 
  2. National Development is measured by the extent to which a country has eliminated or reduced the discrimination between caste, class, creed, sex, gender, religion, ethnicity and so on.
  3. National Development is strongly associated with the idea of a nation i.e. how the people of a country see themselves as a whole.
  4. The government launches various schemes and initiatives to improve the standards of living of the people.
  5. National Development remains one of the top priorities of the government of a country.

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