10 Best APJ Abdul Kalam Books

APJ Abdul Kalam Books: Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam, also known as APJ Abdul Kalam, was one of the most loved and popular Presidents of India. Besides being a brilliant scientist and statesman, he was also a prolific writer. He has authored numerous books that have inspired the youth to a large degree. In this article, we list the top ten books authored by APJ Abdul Kalam that you must read as an Indian and/or as a reader.

Top 10 APJ Abdul Kalam Books

The following list consists of ten APJ Abdul Kalam Books

1) Ignited Minds: Unleashing the Power within India

The first book in our list of APJ Abdul Kalam Books is Ignited Minds: Unleashing the Power within India. In this book, Dr Kalam provides guidance to propel the country forward into a glorious future. It motivates and inspires readers, particularly young people, to aspire for a better and more innovative India. He explains the best way to allow our inner energy to guide us through life’s difficult situations. 

The book is composed of nine chapters, each of which focuses on a distinct theme. Spirituality and patriotism are among the themes, as are scientific learning and knowledge-based society. Each chapter begins with a quotation from a notable figure and ends with a brief summary of the key takeaways

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2) Wings of Fire: An Autobiography

The second book that has made it to our list of APJ Abdul Kalam Books is Wings of Fire: An Autobiography. This book offers an extensive explanation of how achievements can be attained with simple thoughts. This book conveys the authors’ message that you should always keep your dreams high, and your goals clear, plan meticulously, and work hard. The book is filled with Dr Kalam’s insights, special moments, and life experiences. It helps us understand his successful journey.

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3) India 2020: A Vision for the New Millenium

The third book in our list of APJ Abdul Kalam Books is a special one. Written in 1998, when India was at a crossroads, it is a visionary document authored by one of India’s most beloved scientists. The authors present a thorough analysis of India’s weaknesses and strengths, as well as a road map for India to achieve its development objectives. The book addresses a broad spectrum of topics, such as education, technology, infrastructure and governance, and proposes solutions to the challenges that India is facing in these aspects. The book’s concise and clear writing style is one of its strengths, allowing it to appeal to a wide variety of readers. The authors illustrate their points with real examples and case studies, making the book both engaging and informative.

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4) Beyond 2020: A Vision for Tomorrow’s India

The fourth book in our list of APJ Abdul Kalam Books is a sequel to India 2020. The book is divided into 16 chapters, each emphasizing a distinct aspect of life, such as education, social responsibility, and leadership. Kalam has used his extensive knowledge and expertise to provide perspectives into the world’s current challenges and ways that we can resolve them by working hard. 

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5) Learning How to Fly: Life Lessons for the Youth

The fifth book in our list of APJ Abdul Kalam Books is a compilation of about two thousand lectures given by Dr Kalam. These lectures were given to both teachers and students at schools, colleges and elsewhere. In each of them, he elaborates on how to best prepare oneself for life, how to identify as well as overcome obstacles, and how to foster the greatest potential in each individual. Using his own experiences, along with those of his mentors, stories of some of the world’s greatest men and women, and the most recent advances in science and technology, Dr Kalam demonstrates the significance of dreams and the hard work required to make those dreams a reality. The book is a must-read for every Indian. It is filled with warmth, inspiration, and a positive attitude.

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6) My Life: An Illustrated Autobiography

The sixth book in our list of APJ Abdul Kalam Books is a book that describes the struggles, failures and successes that occurred in Dr Kalam’s life. Dr Kalam tells his life story in My Life, beginning with his childhood in Rameswaram and continuing with his work on India’s space and missile programmes, his years as India’s eleventh President, and his life after that. This memoir is a wonderful narration about his remarkable life, full of anecdotal stories that illustrate the importance of industrious work, commitment, courage, and innovative thinking. My Life, which is beautifully and simply written, is an inspirational read.

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7) The Scientific Indian: A Twenty-First Century Guide to the World Around Us

The seventh book in our list of APJ Abdul Kalam books is regarding the Scientific Temper Indians need to have in the 21st Century. Nuclear capability, food self-sufficiency, indigenous satellites, unmanned Moon mission—scientific India’s achievements in the past few years have been phenomenal. But, as per A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, the country’s most famous scientist, we’ve only just gotten started. In a century that many believe will belong to India, realising the vision of a better future for all will necessitate a keen understanding of our needs, which can only be accomplished by dovetailing our research and innovations to national development.

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8) Turning Points: A Journey Through Challenges

The eighth book that has made it to our list of APJ Abdul Kalam Books is Turning Points: A Journey Through Challenges, which is an inspiring sequel to Wings of Fire. The book is a compilation of anecdotal stories, experiences, and learnings that emphasise the value of perseverance, dedication, and self-belief in conquering life’s challenges. The author endeavours to inspire the youth by narrating the challenges he faced and how he overpowered them. The book motivates the reader to let the struggle continue to achieve a desired goal.

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9) Indomitable Spirit

The ninth book in our list of APJ Abdul Kalam Books is another source of inspiration from India’s one of most respected and loved Presidents. The book Indomitable Spirit is an anecdotal book in which Dr Kalam talks about the importance of passion and spirit, the presence of which is capable of accomplishing the most difficult tasks. The book was published at the end of Dr Kalam’s tenure as President, which also marked the end of an extraordinary era in Indian presidential history. The book reveals how forward-thinking he has been, as well as the virtues he has projected.

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10) The Guiding Light: A Selection of Quotations from My Favourite Books

“You are what you read” goes a popular phrase. The last but certainly not the least book in our list of APJ Abdul Kalam Books is a book that will certainly motivate you to achieve your goals. In the book, he selects the best writings from the many books, philosophical tracts, and poems he had read over the years. These books shaped his thinking and aided him in difficult times. Phrases from the books of writers including Rabindranath Tagore, Albert Einstein, Nietzsche, William Shakespeare, John Milton, Jiddu Krishnamurti and Mahatma Gandhi are included, as are lines from the Holy Quran, Bhagavad Gita, Bible, Thirukural, and a plethora of other works.

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Gautam Kukreja

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