Cos 60 Value | Value of Cos 60 Degrees

The Cos 60 value is 0.5. Cos 60 or Cosine 60 is the ratio of the Base (Adjacent) and Hypotenuse in a right-angle triangle with the angle between the base and hypotenuse equalling 60 degrees (or π/3, in radians) as shown below. This article discusses Cos 60 value and its proof.

Cos 60 value

Cos 60 degree value

As mentioned above, the Value of Cos 60 is 0.5 (or ½ in fractions). The value of the Cosine of an acute angle is evaluated in the context of a right-angled triangle. Cosine is evaluated by taking out the ratio of the base of a right-angled triangle (also known as its adjacent) and its hypotenuse. The value of Cos moves from 1 to 0 when the angle moves from 0 to 90°. 

Cos 60 degrees value proof

The invention of Sine and Cosines of angles can be traced back to ancient Indian Astronomy during the Gupta Period. Early Indian Astronomers used trigonometric functions such as Jyā, Koṭi-jyā and Utkrama-jyā to evaluate certain values in the arc of a circle.

In a typical right-angled triangle with angles of 30, 60 and 90 degrees (as shown in the figure below), the ratio of sides is 

Perpendicular : Base : Hypotenuse = √3 : 1 : 2

This ratio satisfies the Pythagoras Theorem as shown below

(Perpendicular)2 + (Base)2 = (Hypotenuse)2 

It can also be written as 

(Opposite)2 + (Adjacent)2 = (Hypotenuse)2 

(√3)2 + (1)2 = (2)2 

3 + 1 = 4

4 = 4


Hence, if we evaluate Cos 60 from it, we get:

Cos θ= Adjacent / Hypotenuse

Cos 60 = 1/2

The Trigonometric Table

Cos 60 value can also be found out from the following table.

0° (0)30° (π/6)45° (π/4)60° (π/3)90° (π/2)
Sin 01/21/√2√3/21
Tan01/√31√3Not Defined
CotNot Defined√311/√30
Sec12/√3√22Not Defined
CosecNot Defined2√22/√31

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The value of a function can be evaluated from the following table

Sin θOpposite / Hypotenuse
Cos θAdjacent / Hypotenuse
Tan θOpposite / Adjacent
Cot θAdjacent / Opposite
Sec θHypotenuse / Adjacent
Cosec θHypotenuse / Opposite

The Cos 60 value can be calculated from the reciprocal also. The values of functions are the reciprocal of some other function. The following table presents you the  functions and their reciprocals 

Sin θCosec θ
Cos θSec θ
Tan θCot θ
Cot θTan θ
Sec θCos θ
Cosec θSin θ

Evaluating Cos 60 Value

The value of Cos 60 can be evaluated from the following methods as well

Cos θ = Sin (90 – θ)


Cos 60 = Sin (90 – 60)

Cos 60 = Sin 30

We can get the value of Sin 30 from The Trigonometric Table above

Sin 30 = ½

Hence Cos 60 = ½

Cos 60 value using Reciprocals

Sec θ = 1/ Cos θ

Hence, Cos θ = 1/ Sec θ

Cos 60 = 1/ Sec 60

From The Trigonometric Table above, Sec 60 = 2


Cos 60 = ½ 

Evaluating value of Cos θ from Tan θ and Sin θ

Tan θ = Sin θ / Cos θ

Cos θ = Sin θ / Tan θ

If we want to find the value of Cos 60

Cos 60 = Sin 60 / Tan 60

Cos 60 = √3 / 2 ÷ √3

Hence, we get 

Cos 60 = 1 / 2

Evaluating Cos θ with help of Sin2θ

Using the formula

Sin2θ + Cos2θ = 1

To find the Cos 60 Value, we substitute θ with 60

 Sin260 + Cos260 = 1

As we know that, Sin 60 = √3/2

Hence, Sin260 = ¾

Cos260 = 1 – Sin260

Cos260 = 1 – ¾ 

Cos260 = ¼

Cos 60 = √(¼)

Cos 60 = ½

That’s it from our side

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